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In the different aspects of school life that Yuan Ching students delve into, students are inspired and, in turn, inspire others. Click on the banner above, and listen to, read and view their experiences in the latest issue of the school’s biannual publication, YCScoop!


You can also read the different sections below to learn about the background behind some of Yuan Ching's signature programmes and unique learning experiences!​


Portfolio Preparation Programme (PPP)

Portfolio Preparation Programme (PPP) is a product of curriculum innovation by the Craft & Technology department in Yuan Ching Secondary School. Since 2023, the school has offered this programme to Upper Secondary students in the Normal (Technical) Stream. It is an opportunity for the students from the N(T) stream to develop their interests and aptitude through applied learning in authentic environments. PPP aims to introduce students to the key concepts of Design & Technology and Nutrition and Food Science through a learn-and-work approach whereby they would receive job shadowing experiences at local workplaces to complement their learning in school. To further enrich our students’ learning, the school will also
offer our NT students to experience Applied Learning Module at ITE campus (ApLM@ITE), as well as Applied Learning Module in schools (ApLM@schools) conducted by experienced trainers who are currently working in the industry.

Through this programme, students will learn about careers, entrepreneurial opportunities and courses in these fields, and be guided in portfolio development to support their progression in post-secondary institutions.

Culinary Arts, Design & Tech, Event Management


Growing through our Applied Learning Programme

Our Applied Learning Programme (ALP) focuses on Marine Robotics. As part of ALP, students apply their Scientific Thinking and Design Thinking skills and work in teams to design and build underwater vessels with capability of incorporating sensors for data collection and navigation. As part of the programme, students also learn coding through the micro:bit and mBot platform. A Tinkering Centre has been set up for interested students to explore STEM projects independently, including the use of Arduino programming language. Students who are passionate in STEM will also be identified for the ALP Talent Development Programme.

Seaperch Making & Coding with Micro:bit

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Our Learning Experiences


Growing through our Learning for Life Programme

Our Learning for Life Programme (LLP) focuses on dragon boating, ‘gRowing Values through Sports and Outdoor Experiences’ and is aimed at developing our ‘GRIT21’ student outcomes (G-Growth Mindset, R – Resilience, I – IExCEL (School Values), T – Thrive, 21 – 21st Century Competencies). Students will grow their values and skills as they learn the basics of dragon boating in Secondary 2 and participate in team racing in our very own Dragon Boat Quest. Students with the talent and aptitude for the sport can pursue further by opting to participate in the Talent Development Programme, where our students have the opportunity to grow by attending dialogue sessions with practitioners from the sports industry, attend related learning journeys and experience a multi-sport exposure.

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Growing in our Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)

At Yuan Ching, our students receive multiple learning opportunities to discover and grow in their interests and passions. Our CCA programme is anchored on the philosophy of P.A.S.S.I.O.N (Present, Attitude and Attire, Safety, Service, Imagine and Innovate, Objective and Navigate).

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